Sunday, July 4, 2010

ISTE 2010-The End

As the conference ends, I realize we have been so busy that we have not seen any of the Denver sites outside this conference center. Our time is limited so we have to decide how we will make the most of our last evening here. The experience that follows is awe inspiring and soul touching! No words can describe the beauty and majesty of God's handiwork. Please look past the novice movie quality and enjoy the view.

Friday, July 2, 2010

ISTE 2010-DAY 4

This will be our last day of this conference, so I want to make the most of it. My first session is on Twitter and Virtual Environments. Unfortunately, after sitting in a packed room for a few minutes, they announce that the presenter for this session has not arrived. I run upstairs to visit a few exhibit booths before my next meeting.
Instructional Coaching and Technology is a panel discussion including Jim Knight who wrote the book on Instructional Coaching that we used in our co-op class this past year. Mr. Knight turns out to be skyped in from London! Another panel member is Jayne James, the Senior Director for Educational Leadership at ISTE. This session validates my view that as a curriculum technologist I am an instructional coach (or facilitator) just like the math coaches and literacy coaches. Various panel members describe their districts' technology instructional coaching programs. Work embedded professional development is said to be the key to keeping faculty members on target with using technology correctly. Videos are repeatedly mentioned as the most effective tool. They can be used for teacher reflection aides, professional development options, modeling instructional/technological strategies, etc. Once again, social networking is stressed for collaboration.
Implementing and Integrating NETS for Teachers: Moving Teachers toward Transformative Technology is the title of my next meeting. This meeting is led by three presenters. Again, one is skyed in; this time from Florida. The introductions are made using avatars. I love it!
The fact that not all teachers are on board with using technology in the classroom is said to be due to the fact that NETS (National Educational Technology Standards) has only given rational reasons that this is necessary to student achievement. They are adding an "emotional" or affective part that hopefully will help us all to reach for that highest level where we use technology in a flexible way with awareness of and mastery of a good number of technological tools that will lead to student achievement. Before the end of this session, these facilitators model examples of meeting each of the standards in the classroom. These model lessons include using wikis and virtual tools as means to engage learners.
Tammy Worcester presents my last meeting of this idea-packed conference. Tammy is a well known resource for teachers who use technology to teach. I learn effective blogging tips and ways to use blogging as a means to help students and parents.
The conference ends. I am physically tired from the fast-paced schedule, but I am also mentally and professionally challenged to put into action all the ideas learned during these past days.